Relocate your business or industry in Southeast Iowaabout specifics for your potential site. Financial incentives are available for improvements as well.

Two 69,000V aerial circuits distribute 10,500 KVA through our transmission lines. Alliant Energy, a local company, provides this service.
Our agreement with Burlington, Iowa provides 3,000,000 GPD maximum potable water, expandable to 5,000,000 GPD.
Central 150 psig saturated and 170 psig-superheated steam are provided by one coal fired and one natural gas fired plant.
800,000 GPD capacity main domestic sewage treatment plant and collection system provides current average daily usage of 413,000 GPD.
Industrial Wastewater
Seven industrial wastewater treatment plants are located throughout the plant with a total capacity of 432,000 GPD.
Commerce Center Roads
Includes a completely developed network of asphalt and concrete roads that will take you anywhere within the facility.
Commerce Center Railroad
A short line switch railroad company can provide bulk reloading and transfer of your products as well as rail car storage. We have a milvan/seavan facility to transfer your products from truck and rail. An eight-track classification yard with an in-line scale track is also available.
southeast iowa commerce center water service

southeast iowa commerce center utilities

Commerce Center of Southeast Iowa • 17575 State Highway 79 • Middletown, IA 52638-9701 •